Step 1: Pick up the Phone

Say “no thanks” to the current tax plan and ask her to support a better, bipartisan solution.

Click to Call

Or Dial: (207) 424-2030

Step 2: Pick Your Message

“Favors foreign investors, big corporations, and the top 1%”
“Will provide multinational corporations incentives to ship jobs overseas”
“It’s expensive and will drive up the deficit and trigger cuts”
“It will increase insurance premium costs”
“Favors foreign investors, big corporations, and the top 1%”

“Will provide multinational corporations incentives to ship jobs overseas”

The Senate GOP tax plan is a massive tax handout to foreign investors and will incentivize large U.S. multinational corporations to ship jobs overseas. 

“It’s expensive and will drive up the deficit and trigger cuts”

The Senate GOP tax plan will increase the deficit and put pressure on Maine’s budget.

“It will increase insurance premium costs”