MECEP Economist Joel Johnson Named to State’s Consensus Economic Forecasting Commission

Augusta, Maine (Thursday, April 4, 2013) Governor Paul LePage has appointed Maine Center for Economic Policy (MECEP) economist Joel Johnson to the state’s Consensus Economic Forecasting Commission (CEFC). Maine House Speaker Mark Eves had recommended Johnson for the appointment.
“I am honored to serve on the CEFC with a distinguished group of economic professionals and privileged to work with the experts from state government who help us do our job,” Johnson said. “An accurate economic forecast is the foundation of a revenue forecast that the Governor and the Legislature can depend on as they develop the state budget.”

The CEFC is an independent group of five economists who forecast the Maine economy for the Governor, the Legislature, and the Revenue Forecasting Committee. Twice per year, the CEFC forecasts changes in employment, personal income, prices, and a variety of other economic indicators over the next five years. The CEFC’s biannual report provides economic assumptions required to forecast state revenue.