This Week on MECEP’s State of the State: “Tax Reform: Relief and Fairness for Maine Families”

Program airs on Time Warner Cable Channel 9 in Central Maine and Aroostook, Cumberland, Washington and York counties, Channel 12 in Penobscot County
Augusta, Maine (Tuesday, May 11, 2010)—The Maine Center for Economic Policy (MECEP) announced today that the latest edition of its weekly cable television program, State of the State, “Tax Reform: Relief and Fairness for Maine Families,” will premier this evening on Time Warner Cable at a special time, 6:30 p.m.  MECEP Associate Director Garrett Martin discusses Question 1 on the June 8th ballot with Richard Woodbury, economist and former co-chair of the Maine Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Taxation and Charles Morrison, President of the Androscoggin Chamber of Commerce.