Jobs and Income, Maine’s Economy State of Working Maine 2018 Contents Editor’s note: State of Working Maine 2018 contains extensive endnotes and citations not reflected in this online version of the report. To see the complete report […] James Myall Posted November 19, 2018 Tags Economic Security, Economy, Education, Employment, Job Quality, Jobs, Wages
Jobs and Income MECEP Policy Brief: Minimum wage increase brought higher wages, reduced child poverty in 2017 Summary: Maine’s voter-approved minimum wage increase in 2017 led to the fastest wage increase in a decade for low-income Mainers and helped lift 10,000 Maine children out […] James Myall Posted September 24, 2018 Tags Children, Economic Security, Minimum Wage
Education, Taxes and Budget Maine teachers spend millions of their own dollars on classroom basics Maine’s teachers spent at least $4.2 million out of their own pockets on basic school supplies in 2016, the most recent year for which we have data, […] James Myall Posted September 13, 2018 Tags Education, Taxes, Wages
Maine’s Economy Could you cover an unexpected $400 expense? Nearly half of Mainers could not A modest unexpected expense could overturn the finances of nearly half of all Mainers, and one in five Maine residents cannot pay all their bills on time. […] James Myall Posted June 26, 2018 Tags Economic Security
Jobs and Income, Maine’s Economy In some Maine counties, federal food assistance pays for one in six grocery sales New analysis by MECEP demonstrates just how crucial the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, is for hundreds of thousands of Mainers, for local economies and for […] James Myall Posted May 3, 2018 Tags Economic Security, Food Insecurity, SNAP
Jobs and Income, Maine’s Economy Despite Poliquin's praise, Maine is no model for food insecurity As Congress move toward sweeping changes to SNAP, the federal food assistance program, U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin is touting Maine’s experiment in stricter eligibility as a model […] James Myall Posted April 19, 2018 Tags Economic Security, Food Insecurity, SNAP
Health Care, Jobs and Income New Report Shows "Work Requirements" Hurt Working Mainers, Too A new report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities demonstrates the widespread nature of the harm caused by so-called “work requirement” policies to safety-net programs. Work requirement […] James Myall Posted April 12, 2018 Tags Economy, Health Care, Medicaid
Health Care Prescription costs will continue to climb until transparency is brought to pharmaceutical pricing Access to affordable health care, which all Mainers deserve, must include access to affordable prescription drugs. Medication is a critical component of health care; From antibiotics and […] James Myall Posted April 9, 2018 Tags Health Care
Maine’s Economy New federal wage data brings more evidence for success of Maine's new minimum wage law New Occupational and Employment Statistics, or OES, data released Friday by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics continued to strengthen the case that Maine’s new voter-approved minimum […] James Myall Posted April 2, 2018 Tags Minimum Wage, Wages
Health Care After eight years, what's the Affordable Care Act's record in Maine? Today marks the eighth anniversary of The Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act, commonly known as the ACA, which was signed into law March 23, 2010. The […] James Myall Posted March 23, 2018 Tags Affordable Care Act, Federal, Health Care