Education, Taxes and Budget Question 2 will create a strong economy, thriving communities, and successful kids Maine’s future economic success depends on having a well-skilled workforce able to tackle the challenges of the twenty-first century – and the means of developing that workforce […] James Myall Posted November 1, 2016 Tags Education, Revenue, Tax Breaks, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Education, Taxes and Budget Question 2 will create a strong economy, thriving communities, and successful kids. Maine’s future economic success depends on having a well-skilled workforce able to tackle the challenges of the twenty-first century – and the means of developing that workforce […] James Myall Posted November 1, 2016 Tags Education, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Health Care Mounting evidence reinforces the case for accepting federal funds to improve health care access and affordability in Maine Several recent studies and analyses of the 31 states that have accepted federal money to increase access to health care demonstrate the continued benefits of doing so. […] James Myall Posted September 6, 2016 Tags Federal, Health Care, Medicaid
Education, Health Care Faster internet speeds, wider availability would boost Maine’s economy If it took a while for your internet service provider (ISP) to load this page onto your computer, you’re not alone. Maine has some of the slowest […] James Myall Posted August 31, 2016 Tags Economy, Education, Health Care, Infrastructure
Health Care, Maine’s Economy, Taxes and Budget Augusta’s adherence to austerity holds Maine back Conservative fiscal policies at the state and national level have been a key cause of the lackluster economic recovery following the Great Recession, according to a new […] James Myall Posted August 15, 2016 Tags Economy, Education, Health Care, Infrastructure, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Education, Maine’s Economy Immigrants, including refugees, are good for Maine In a visit to Maine on Thursday, Donald Trump suggested that the presence of Somali refugees in the state was a security risk and an economic drag. However, […] James Myall Posted August 5, 2016 Tags Economy, Education, Immigration
Jobs and Income Mainers’ personal income growth third slowest in the nation; are big businesses to blame? Since the Great Recession, Mainers’ personal incomes have grown at a slower rate than residents of nearly every other state, according to a new Pew Research Center […] James Myall Posted August 3, 2016 Tags Economy, Incomes, Jobs, Wages
Education, Taxes and Budget Leaked memo confirms Governor’s priorities remain the same – tax breaks for the wealthy, cuts in crucially important investments in our communities An internal memo leaked from a member of Governor LePage’s administration to the Portland Press Herald reveals LePage’s plans for the upcoming legislative session and the 2018-19 […] James Myall Posted July 28, 2016 Tags Tax Breaks, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Jobs and Income Maine May jobs numbers contain mixed news The federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) today released state employment numbers for May, revealing that Maine was among the majority of states which experienced no statistically-significant […] James Myall Posted June 17, 2016 Tags Jobs, Recession, Unemployment
Maine’s Economy Report on “America’s Shrinking Middle Class” offers some bright spots for Maine, Lewiston-Auburn The Pew Research Center recently released a report, America’s Shrinking Middle Class, examining the relative proportion of lower-, middle-, and upper-income populations in 229 of the nation’s […] James Myall Posted May 27, 2016 Tags Economic Security, Economy