Jobs and Income Anti-retaliation law would guarantee real rights for Maine workers State labor laws are critical to ensuring basic rights and dignity at the workplace. From the minimum wage to paid time off, accommodations for working mothers to laws mandating breaks […] James Myall Posted April 23, 2021 Tags Job Quality, Jobs, Paid Sick Days
Health Care Maine has a chance to correct injustice by expanding health care to New Mainers with low incomes All Mainers — no matter where they come from or what they look like — deserve access to affordable health care. MaineCare offers affordable health care coverage […] James Myall Posted April 16, 2021 Tags Coronavirus, Health Care, Inequality, Racial Equity
Maine’s Economy To advance racial equity, Maine’s Permanent Commission needs permanent resources Note: James Myall is a member of the Permanent Commission on the Status of Racial, Indigenous and Maine Tribal Populations All Mainers — regardless of race, ethnicity, […] James Myall Posted April 14, 2021 Tags Inequality, Racial Equity
Jobs and Income Increasing Maine’s minimum wage to $16 would boost wages for more than 350,000 Mainers Mainers’ wages have risen in recent years thanks in part to increases in the minimum wage approved by voters in 2016. Those increases have led to raises […] James Myall Posted April 12, 2021 Tags Coronavirus, Economic Security, Job Quality, Minimum Wage, Wages
Jobs and Income Anti-minimum wage bills would cut Mainers’ wages by $193 million, with big impact on essential workers A strong minimum wage supports Maine’s workers and creates an economy that is stronger for all of us. But year after year, opponents of the minimum wage […] James Myall Posted April 12, 2021 Tags Coronavirus, Economic Security, Job Quality, Minimum Wage, Wages
Jobs and Income Maine must end carveouts that take workers’ rights away from essential farmers and food producers Everyone deserves the same basic protections and rights on the job. Laws guaranteeing the minimum wage, overtime, and the right to form a union are foundational to creating […] James Myall Posted April 7, 2021 Tags Inequality, Job Quality, Minimum Wage, Racial Equity, Unions, Wages
Maine’s Economy Transformative “American Rescue Plan” will deliver $6 billion to Maine’s economy The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act recently approved by Congress will deliver roughly $6 billion to Maine’s economy, according to recent MECEP analysis. The top initiatives that will support Maine’s economic […] James Myall Posted April 2, 2021 Tags Children, Coronavirus, Economic Security, Economy, Education, EITC, Federal, Housing, Infrastructure, K-12 Education, SNAP, Taxes, Unemployment
Jobs and Income At-will employment is cover for discrimination. Maine should abolish it to protect workers from unfair firing No worker should be fired from their job without a good reason. That’s why we have anti-discrimination laws, which protect Mainers from being fired on the basis […] James Myall Posted March 24, 2021 Tags Employment, Inequality, Job Quality, Jobs
Jobs and Income Recognizing foreign credentials would help New Mainers and our state prosper Maine’s economy is at its best when Mainers of all backgrounds can make full use of their experience, skills, and education. But New Mainers who arrive in […] James Myall Posted March 23, 2021 Tags Economy, Employment, Immigration, Inequality, Jobs, Racial Equity
Jobs and Income Extra pay for extra work: How Maine can restore overtime pay for 28,000 Mainers When Mainers work long hours, they deserve to be compensated fairly for their extra work. Overtime protections exist to ensure extra work is rewarded with extra pay, […] James Myall Posted March 22, 2021 Tags Incomes, Job Quality, Overtime, Wages