Maine’s Economy, Taxes and Budget Policy Basic: Bonds are a vital tool for investing in the public good A strong and thriving economy depends on long-term investments in roads and bridges, clean water and schools, and other public goods that benefit people and businesses now and in the […] Jody Harris Posted February 21, 2020 Tags Bonds, Infrastructure
Taxes and Budget REPORT: Corporations' offshore tax haven abuse costs Mainers millions of dollars Corporations depend on things like an educated workforce, consumers with enough income to pay for services and products, and infrastructure that facilitates commerce. As a state and […] Sarah Austin Posted February 5, 2020 Tags Revenue, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Taxes and Budget Policy Brief: Big-box stores roll out 'dark store theory' for tax avoidance in Maine Walmart, Lowe’s and others are pushing the dubious ‘dark store theory’ to manipulate property valuations and win tax cuts, leaving local budgets and other taxpayers holding the […] Sarah Austin Posted October 31, 2019 Tags Property Tax, Tax Breaks
Taxes and Budget Policy Brief — Wealthy Mainers have deep roots: Why taxes don't spur interstate moves Summary: Mainers want to live in thriving communities with good schools, affordable housing, safe roads, reliable public services and good jobs. Shoring up public investments that make […] Sarah Austin Posted October 15, 2018 Tags Income Tax, Tax Fairness, Taxes