Health Care Maine group launches campaign to put universal health care on the ballot Ryder also pointed to a 2019 study done by the Maine Center for Economic Policy (MECEP) that examined how a hypothetical universal health care system would work in the […] Beacon Posted November 20, 2020 Tags Health Care
Jobs and Income ‘People are in survival mode’: Unemployed Mainers face financial cliff as benefits end Picard said the program was ended because the average insured unemployment rate for the last 13 weeks in Maine fell below five percent. By law, the program […] Beacon Posted November 19, 2020 Tags Coronavirus, Unemployment
Jobs and Income, Maine’s Economy Report: Addressing systemic racism in economy would benefit all Mainers Under the state’s current economic system, white residents are advantaged over Black, indigenous and other people of color. A new report from the Maine Center for Economic Policy (MECEP) outlines […] Beacon Posted November 16, 2020 Tags Economy, Inequality, Racial Equity
Health Care Report: 105,000 Mainers could lose health coverage if ACA is struck down The nation’s highest court will have a 6-3 conservative majority if President Donald Trump’s nominee, 7th U.S. Circuit Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett, is confirmed. Her pending […] Beacon Posted October 20, 2020 Tags Affordable Care Act, Federal, Health Care
Taxes and Budget Slashing state budget would slow Maine’s recovery, report warns If state lawmakers take the same path that their predecessors took in the aftermath of the Great Recession, Maine may once again see a slower recovery from […] Beacon Posted September 30, 2020 Tags Budget, Revenue, Taxes
Jobs and Income Mills’ work search requirement adds additional burden for unemployed Mainers, advocates say James Myall, policy analyst at Maine Center for Economic Policy, agreed that the order could make many feel they have to return to work. “The concern is […] Beacon Posted September 24, 2020 Tags Coronavirus, Unemployment
Taxes and Budget Tax committee chair calls for taxing wealthy to address revenue shortfall Sarah Austin, a policy analyst with the Maine Center for Economic Policy who also took part in the discussion, pointed out that “over the next three years, […] Beacon Posted August 14, 2020 Tags Budget, Revenue, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Taxes and Budget With tighter census deadline, advocates worry Mainers most in need won’t be counted James Myall, policy analyst at the Maine Center for Economic Policy, said the earlier deadline means certain populations in the state are more likely to be undercounted. […] Beacon Posted August 10, 2020 Tags Budget
Jobs and Income, Maine’s Economy Low-income Mainers have been propping up the economy — and they just took a huge cut Garrett Martin, executive director of the Maine Center for Economic Policy, said the data makes the case for continued relief for the low-income families who need it […] Beacon Posted August 6, 2020 Tags Coronavirus, Economy, Unemployment
Jobs and Income Economists say reduced unemployment benefits will worsen unprecedented revenue shortfall In addition to action at the federal level, state lawmakers can reduce the impact of the recession by passing progressive revenue policies, explained Mario Moretto, communications director […] Beacon Posted August 3, 2020 Tags Coronavirus, Federal, Revenue, Unemployment