Jobs and Income Maine could finally expand overtime pay for thousands of workers James Myall, a policy analyst with the Maine Center for Economic Policy, told lawmakers that the group estimates that about 26,000 additional salaried workers in the for-profit […] Beacon Posted April 26, 2023 Tags Job Quality, Jobs, Overtime
Jobs and Income ‘We’re responsible for the history we make:’ Lawmakers push for migrant labor rights Maine is not the only state where lawmakers are trying to expand rights for farmworkers. Currently, 12 states guarantee collective bargaining rights to such workers. And in […] Beacon Posted April 19, 2023 Tags Economic Security, Immigration, Inequality, Job Quality, Jobs, Wages
Taxes and Budget On Tax Day, Mainers argue everyone ‘deserves a slice,’ call for wealthy to pay their fair share The amount corporations currently pay in state taxes is opaque, although it is estimated that Maine gives away over a billion dollars in tax breaks to businesses […] Beacon Posted April 18, 2023 Tags Tax Breaks, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Jobs and Income Fight for fair work scheduling returns to Maine Legislature “Say you work at a national retail chain,” Arthur Phillips, a MECEP policy analyst, posed a hypothetical to lawmakers. “Last week, you worked the closing shift on […] Beacon Posted April 10, 2023 Tags Job Quality, Jobs
Taxes and Budget ‘Wolf in sheep’s clothing:’ Dems hold the line against GOP budget demands Republicans pointed to the projected budget surplus to argue for the tax cuts, which analysts said would primarily benefit wealthy Mainers. “We are over-collecting taxes from Maine […] Beacon Posted March 31, 2023 Tags Budget, Tax Breaks, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Taxes and Budget How corporate consolidation is breaking Maine’s economy Corporate consolidation is suppressing wages, breaking supply chains and driving inflation. The result of unchecked monopolies is a more fragile economy and a less democratic society. This […] Beacon Posted March 23, 2023 Tags Tax Breaks, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Health Care Will legislators undo LePage’s rollback and restore health coverage to low-income immigrants? “New Mainers are particularly likely to work in grocery stores and care homes, restaurant kitchens and hotels — many of the industries which are currently struggling to […] Beacon Posted February 27, 2023 Tags Health Care, Racial Equity
Taxes and Budget Mills outlines new climate goals, backs housing first, pledges access to Narcan in budget address The Maine Center for Economic Policy (MECEP) also praised the budget while calling for lawmakers to build on the plan by making additional investments in programs to […] Beacon Posted February 15, 2023 Tags Budget
Health Care Advocates worry that ‘fentanyl hysteria’ will further criminalize people who use drugs “By 2016, harm reduction activists noted the product on the street that was being sold as heroin had almost none,” reads A Better Path for Maine: The […] Beacon Posted February 13, 2023 Tags Health Care
Taxes and Budget ‘People are desperate:’ Budget committee encouraged to make bold investments in affordable housing “While public investment is necessary to alleviate Maine’s affordable housing crisis, $30 million is insufficient to address the shortage of affordable housing,” said Josie Phillips, a budget […] Beacon Posted February 10, 2023 Tags Budget, Housing