Taxes and Budget State finance department makes recommendations to curtail lost revenue With state revenue down more than $500 million due to COVID-19, the Department of Administrative and Finance Services have passed along a few suggestions to Governor Janet […] Fox Bangor Posted September 10, 2020 Tags Budget, Revenue
Maine’s Economy Anti-racist action in Portland follows canceled Black Lives Matter protest In Portland, according to the FBI Crime Data Explorer and the US Census Bureau, 17.8 percent of police arrests from 2008-2018 were of Black people, while Blacks account for only 8.3 […] Portland Phoenix Posted September 9, 2020 Tags Racial Equity
Maine’s Economy What the road ahead looks like for Maine’s economy James Myall, policy analyst with the left-leaning Maine Center for Economic Policy in Augusta, said that like the Great Recession from 2007 and 2009 that took eight […] Bangor Daily News Posted September 1, 2020 Tags Economic Security, Economy, Recession
Taxes and Budget Tax committee chair calls for taxing wealthy to address revenue shortfall Sarah Austin, a policy analyst with the Maine Center for Economic Policy who also took part in the discussion, pointed out that “over the next three years, […] Beacon Posted August 14, 2020 Tags Budget, Revenue, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Taxes and Budget With tighter census deadline, advocates worry Mainers most in need won’t be counted James Myall, policy analyst at the Maine Center for Economic Policy, said the earlier deadline means certain populations in the state are more likely to be undercounted. […] Beacon Posted August 10, 2020 Tags Budget
Taxes and Budget Maine leaders urge Congress to end gridlock on COVID-19 relief package Democratic leaders and White House officials met Friday for the 10th time in 12 days, but those talks broke down again as the two sides remained hundreds of billions […] Portland Press Herald Posted August 7, 2020 Tags Coronavirus, Federal, Recession, Unemployment
Taxes and Budget Maine goes into austerity mode as coronavirus takes steep budget toll Republicans are saying they told her so as she looks to cut out a similar portion. Progressives, on the other hand, are beginning to lament the tilt […] Bangor Daily News Posted August 6, 2020 Tags Budget, Coronavirus, Recession, Revenue
Jobs and Income, Maine’s Economy Low-income Mainers have been propping up the economy — and they just took a huge cut Garrett Martin, executive director of the Maine Center for Economic Policy, said the data makes the case for continued relief for the low-income families who need it […] Beacon Posted August 6, 2020 Tags Coronavirus, Economy, Unemployment
Jobs and Income Economists say reduced unemployment benefits will worsen unprecedented revenue shortfall In addition to action at the federal level, state lawmakers can reduce the impact of the recession by passing progressive revenue policies, explained Mario Moretto, communications director […] Beacon Posted August 3, 2020 Tags Coronavirus, Federal, Revenue, Unemployment
Jobs and Income As unemployment benefits expire, activists use light show to plead with Collins A recent analysis by the Maine Center for Economic Policy (MECEP) found that even with the additional $600 per week, “Mainers are facing hardships that would be made […] Beacon Posted July 31, 2020 Tags Coronavirus, Federal, Susan Collins, Unemployment