Taxes and Budget Mainers coming together to fight inequality throughout state A new bill advocates want to see put in place would tax wealthy estates more than $2 million to fund things such as education and local services. […] Fox Bangor Posted March 5, 2020 Tags Inequality, Tax Breaks, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Jobs and Income Letter to the editor: To ensure that Maine workers get paid for OT work, support L.D. 402 The system, as it is, encourages abuse by employers. Raising the minimum compensation requirement would end corporations gaming the system. The Maine Center for Economic Policy states […] Portland Press Herald Posted March 4, 2020 Tags Job Quality, Overtime, Wages
Taxes and Budget Rollback of LePage’s estate tax cut for multi-millionaires would raise $14 million The estate tax threshold is currently set at $5.8 million for any individual who has property in Maine, meaning that up to $5.8 million of a person’s […] Beacon Posted March 2, 2020 Tags Estate Tax, Tax Breaks, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Taxes and Budget Report: Large corporations abusing offshore tax havens cost Maine $52 million annually Massive corporations like Google, Apple, and Exxon Mobil are avoiding their fair share of taxes by using shell companies in offshore tax havens, costing Maine $52 million […] The Center Square Posted February 20, 2020 Tags Revenue, Tax Breaks, Taxes
Jobs and Income Bill proposed to protect overtime for salaried workers “The value of overtime has really been eroded over time and we believe it should be restored to where it has been historically,” said Garrett Martin, executive […] Fox Bangor Posted February 13, 2020 Tags Overtime
Jobs and Income Workers, small business owners deliver 2,000 petitions backing overtime pay restoration MECEP released a report Tuesday detailing the economic case for lifting the salary threshold, which includes an estimated $8.8 million annual wage boost for Maine workers. “We do see […] Beacon Posted February 12, 2020 Tags Overtime
Jobs and Income LePage staffer forced to answer same invasive questions he asked SNAP recipients Adolphsen was appointed to the Maine DHHS post by former commissioner Mary Mayhew in December 2013. One year later, the LePage administration introduced the new work requirements. According […] Beacon Posted February 12, 2020 Tags Food Insecurity, SNAP
Jobs and Income Proposed bill would provide $8.8M in overtime for salaried Mainers Nearly all hourly workers are guaranteed overtime when they work more than 40 hours. The guarantee also applies to workers who earn an annual salary of less […] MaineBiz Posted February 12, 2020 Tags Job Quality, Overtime
Taxes and Budget Report says Maine losing $52 million a year to overseas tax havens The Maine Center for Economic Policy said that overseas tax havens mean companies like Apple pay lower or no taxes abroad on profits actually made here. “Businesses […] Fox Bangor Posted February 11, 2020 Tags Revenue, Tax Breaks, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Taxes and Budget Bill would crack down on ‘dark store’ property tax appeals “Across the country, the large retailers that own big-box stores have used this dubious legal theory to challenge local assessments, arguing they should be taxed as if […] Portland Press Herald Posted February 10, 2020 Tags Property Tax