Jobs and Income Letter to the editor: Maine bill to restrict food stamps both harmful to poor and expensive “… The proposed bill limits waivers, creates a benefits cliff and applies work requirements to individuals over 50 and parents of school-aged children. These restrictions were modeled on Maine […] Portland Press Herald Posted May 15, 2018 Tags Employment, Food Insecurity
Taxes and Budget Eye on Augusta: Legislature passes extension of business tax breaks Still, critics have long argued that tax subsidies are a lousy strategy to create jobs and that the money could be better used to address other needs […] The Free Press Posted April 26, 2018 Tags Tax Breaks, Taxes
Jobs and Income Letter to the Editor: A setback for Maine families Does anyone really think Maine’s food pantries can do it all? Between 2011 and 2015, the number of Maine children living in extreme poverty rose eight times […] Sun Journal Posted April 25, 2018 Tags Children, Food Insecurity, Poverty
Jobs and Income Portland council to weigh law requiring paid sick leave In February, an analysis by the Maine Center for Economic Policy determined as many as 19,000 people do not have earned paid time, but Hentzel questioned the […] The Forecaster Posted April 18, 2018 Tags Job Quality, Paid Sick Days
Jobs and Income Maine groups urge Poliquin to defy campaign donors, reject payday rule challenge From the article: “The Consumer Bureau’s payday rule is necessary to help ensure that lenders cannot trap borrowers, who are typically already financially distressed, in a debt […] Beacon Posted April 17, 2018 Tags Consumer Protection, Incomes
Taxes and Budget Investors could receive significant tax breaks if city is chosen as Opportunity Zone From the article “There’s not a lot of evidence to show that companies or individuals invest because of these programs,” [said James Myall, MECEP policy analyst]. Read […] The Ellsworth American Posted April 6, 2018 Tags Local, Tax Breaks, Taxes
Taxes and Budget MECEP Op-Ed in the Press Herald: LePage’s tax plan gives huge benefits to a few at expense of the many We can fully fund our public schools. We can build a robust infrastructure that lays the groundwork for sustained, shared economic prosperity. We can maintain a public […] Portland Press Herald Posted March 29, 2018 Tags Tax Breaks, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Education MaineBiz: MECEP supports LePage/Grohman student debt relief effort From the article: James Myall, a policy analyst at the Maine Center for Economic Policy, described the bill “as a promising initiative to start addressing these economic problems.” […] MaineBiz Posted March 19, 2018 Tags Education, Higher Education, Student Debt
Taxes and Budget PPH Editorial: Our View: Expensive tax overhaul wrong move for Maine The most expensive part of LePage’s package is a revved-up depreciation schedule for businesses that would cost the state $55 million in the current budget, according to […] Portland Press Herald Posted March 15, 2018 Tags Federal, Tax Breaks, Tax Fairness, Taxes, Trump Tax Cuts
Taxes and Budget BDN Editorial: Tax conformity not a top priority for Maine Given this, there is no reason for Maine to conform with the federal tax changes. In fact, Gov. Paul LePage acknowledges this and has warned Maine legislators […] Bangor Daily News Posted March 10, 2018 Tags Federal, Tax Breaks, Tax Fairness, Taxes, Trump Tax Cuts