Gov. Janet Mills vetoes income tax changes, clean energy workforce bills

While Republicans have been pushing for years for lower income tax rates, progressive groups have been calling for higher taxes on the wealthiest Mainer residents. Garrett Martin, president and CEO of the left-leaning Maine Center for Economic Policy, called the veto a “missed” opportunity.

“While our state’s tax systems are already among the fairest in the nation, it’s also true that wealthy people and corporations continue to avoid paying their fair share, leaving those with the least to pick up the slack,” Martin said in a statement on Friday. “LD 1231 wasn’t a perfect tax bill — most of its benefits targeted upper middle-class households and no benefits were available for Mainers with the lowest incomes — but asking the wealthy to pay more was a step in the right direction.”

Click here to read the full story, first published April 26, 2024 in Maine Public.