MECEP Thanks Senator King for Leadership on “Even-handed” Budget Proposal

Augusta, Maine (Monday, March 18, 2013) Garrett Martin, Executive Director of the Maine Center for Economic Policy, today released the following statement as Maine’s congressional delegation begins considering federal budget proposals in Washington, D.C.: 

“The Maine Center for Economic Policy enthusiastically supports and thanks Senator King for his leadership on Chairwoman Patty Murray’s budget plan in his new role on the Senate Budget Committee. Senator King’s commitment to responsible deficit reduction and job creation is welcome. The proposal he supports puts us on a fiscally responsible path without disproportionately hurting Maine’s poor and middle-class families.  

“We hope Senator Collins and Representatives Michaud and Pingree will follow Senator King’s example in supporting this even-handed and measured plan to stabilize our deficit while closing tax loopholes that benefit only millionaires, billionaires, and big corporations. 

“The Maine Center for Economic Policy opposes the budget proposal by House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan. The extreme Ryan Plan would hurt Maine families in order to protect tax loopholes for the wealthy.”