Revised BLS Data Confirms that Maine Ranks Near the Bottom among the States in Job Creation

Statistics show Maine lost 1,300 jobs in 2011 and ranked 45th in per capita job growth
Augusta, Maine (Tuesday, March 13, 2012) Revised data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released today confirms that Maine lagged behind most other states in per capita job growth in 2011. Maine lost 1,300 jobs from January 2011 to December 2011.  Based on these final revised figures, nine states lost jobs during this period and Maine ranked 45th in per capita job growth.
“The revised jobs data confirms that Maine has not performed as well as other states in the last year,” MECEP Executive Director Garrett Martin said.  “The final BLS figures also bring into sharper focus the need for the state to act decisively to encourage stronger job creation.  One immediate action the Legislature can take before it adjourns next month is to pass a robust bond package for transportation, public works and communications infrastructure, education, research and development, small business loans and other investments that will create jobs and improve Maine’s competitive edge.” 
MECEP plans to release a new “Jobs in Focus” Fact Sheet in the near future with further details on the implications of the revised BLS data.