Sobering” Economic Forecast Reinforces Need for a Responsible State Budget

Protect jobs and services for children, seniors, working families and disabled people; invest in education, infrastructure and research and development
Augusta, Maine (Tuesday, January 12, 2012)- Maine Center for Economic Policy (MECEP) Executive Director Garrett Martin today released the following statement in response to University of Southern Maine Muskie School of Public Service Professor and noted economist Charles Colgan’s Annual Economic Forecast. 
“Professor Colgan’s sobering assessment of the prospects for Maine’s economy in the year ahead provides further evidence that our recovery from the worst recession since the Great Depression remains fragile.  It reinforces the need for a responsible state budget that protects thousands of jobs and health care, Head Start and other services important to thousands of children, seniors, working families and disabled people.  It also makes clear that we must do more to encourage economic growth through investments in education, infrastructure, research and development including sending a robust bond package to voters this year.”