Education Higher Education Equals Better-Paying Jobs We all know it. The surest path out of poverty is a good job with benefits. But to get one of these good-paying jobs, Mainers need more […] Jody Harris Posted March 25, 2013 Tags Budget, Children, Education, Incomes, Jobs
Jobs and Income Raise the Minimum Wage to Reward Work and Boost Maine’s Economy Today, Maine’s Joint Standing Committee on Labor, Commerce, Research, and Economic Development (LCRED) takes action on LD 611, which would raise Maine’s minimum wage from $7.50 to […] Joel Johnson Posted March 22, 2013 Tags Economy, Incomes, Job Quality, Jobs, Minimum Wage
Jobs and Income Testimony at Hearing on LD 611: An Act to Adjust Maine's Minimum Wage Annually Based on Cost-of-living Changes Increasing the minimum wage by a dollar and indexing it to inflation will reward hard-working Mainers and help pull Maine’s economy out of the doldrums after the […] MECEP Posted March 14, 2013 Tags Incomes, Job Quality, Jobs, Minimum Wage
Maine’s Economy Keeping Mainers out of Poverty: Let Me Count the Ways Too many Maine families struggle to put food on their tables and keep a roof over their heads. That our neighbors suffer in this tough economy is […] Jody Harris Posted September 25, 2012 Tags Incomes, Poverty, Tax Fairness
Jobs and Income New Census Data Indicate Maine Income Growth Stagnant: Maine tied for last among the New England states in income growth and poverty Augusta, Maine (Wednesday, September 12, 2012) New figures released today from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey reinforce concerns that Maine’s economy is stalled and hardship […] Posted September 12, 2012 Tags Incomes, Poverty
Jobs and Income Social Security Turns 77: It Works for Maine's Residents and Economy Imagine if one out of every two Maine residents over the age of 65 lived in poverty. That’s what would happen if we had no Social Security. […] Jody Harris Posted August 14, 2012 Tags Incomes
Jobs and Income Testimony at Hearing on LD 1786, An Act to Repeal the Requirement That the Department of Labor Calculate the Livable Wage MECEP opposes LD 1786. The livable wage is a useful tool for benchmarking Maine’s wages. It provides job seekers, employers, and policymakers useful information to assess the […] MECEP Posted February 15, 2012 Tags Incomes, Jobs
Jobs and Income, Taxes and Budget Jobs and Budget Cuts Top New England Service Providers’ Concerns A recent survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston confirms that limited job opportunities and federal, state, and local budget cuts pose significant problems for low […] Garrett Martin Posted January 12, 2012 Tags Budget, Health Care, Incomes, Jobs, Tax Fairness, Taxes
Maine’s Economy Why Do We Fight for Social Justice? From Maine Street to Wall Street On October 11 a standing room only crowd filled the Shepard Lee Lecture Hall at the University of Southern Maine for the latest in MECEP’s Shepard Lee […] Mark Sullivan Posted October 14, 2011 Tags Incomes, Inequality, Poverty, Tax Fairness
Jobs and Income Fact Sheet: Making Work Pay: Maine's Minimum Wage MECEP’s analysis shows that Maine workers, Maine businesses and Maine’s economy all benefit from a minimum wage that keeps pace with the cost of living. Making Work […] MECEP Posted March 11, 2011 Tags Incomes, Job Quality, Minimum Wage