Education Eliminating need for private loans would make college more affordable, ease future generations debt burden Access to a college education remains the best way for Mainers to boost their earnings and economic well-being. Yet too often, the cost of college remains a […] James Myall Posted April 25, 2019 Tags Higher Education, Student Debt
Education, Maine’s Economy Maine borrowers need a Student Loan Bill of Rights as protection from predatory loan companies We all have heard the numbers about escalating student loan debt across the country. Maine is no exception. Residents of our state carry more than $6 billion […] Jody Harris Posted March 26, 2019 Tags Consumer Protection, Higher Education, Student Debt
Education ADVISORY: Nation's leading student loan watchdog visits Maine to support Student Loan Bill of Rights Seth Frotman, who led Consumer Finance Protection Bureau’s student loan division, available for interviews March 26 AUGUSTA, Maine — Mainers are carrying more than $6 billion in […] Posted March 22, 2019 Tags Higher Education, Student Debt
Education, Taxes and Budget Bill would extend tax-free options to companies helping workers with student loans U.S. Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Angus King, I-Maine, have signed on as cosponsors of bipartisan legislation that supports employers assisting employees in paying off their student […] MaineBiz Posted February 19, 2019 Tags Higher Education, Student Debt, Taxes
Education Fallout of student loan debt felt in Midcoast A recent survey about financial difficulties resulting from student debt found that in some categories, Midcoast residents were harder hit by the repercussions of education loans than […] The Free Press Posted January 3, 2019 Tags Polling, Student Debt
Education Skipping gifts, some Maine families choose to pay down student debt For Anne Bouchard, a nurse and Topsham resident, this holiday season will play out like others before it: instead of gifts, she gives her four children some […] Beacon Posted December 20, 2018 Tags Student Debt
Education Predatory practices increase Mainers' student debt and financial troubles Mainers are carrying nearly $6 billion in education debt. Large figures like that can be difficult to wrap our heads around, so think of it this way: […] Jody Harris Posted December 19, 2018 Tags Consumer Protection, Higher Education, Student Debt
Education, Maine’s Economy Predatory practices increase Mainers’ student debt and financial troubles Mainers are carrying nearly $6 billion in education debt. Large figures like that can be difficult to wrap our heads around, so think of it this way: […] Jody Harris Posted December 19, 2018 Tags Consumer Protection, Higher Education, Student Debt
Education, Jobs and Income Conference addresses consumer protection The dramatic impact of student loan debt was a primary concern of panelists at the conference. MECEP Associate Director Jody Harris said student loan debt in Maine […] The Free Press Posted December 13, 2018 Tags Consumer Protection, Higher Education, Student Debt
Education, Maine’s Economy No car, no home, no retirement: How $6 billion of education debt spurs hardship for Mainers, holds back our economy FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 10, 2018 CONTACT: Mario Moretto, Communications Director (207) 620-1101 AUGUSTA, Maine — College degrees and other post-secondary certificates are an accelerant for individual […] Posted December 10, 2018 Tags Higher Education, Student Debt